What can a parents, guardians, or chaperones expect attending the NUA in Chicago?


National Unified Auditions (NUA) is the time your student has been waiting for – to audition for college programs with the hope of finding the school that best supports their dreams. For the adults assisting students with the process, the stakes seem high and they only want the best for their high schoolers as they transition into adulthood. It is also one of the last dedicated quality time times many will spend with their student before they go off to college. For all these reasons, we see NUA as a wonderful opportunity to create a memorable and fun experience together as their student pursues their performing arts dreams. It takes preparation and it is the reason Inisde Unifieds is dedicated to helping you prepare for a fun learning experience that will last a lifetime. Here are some invaluable tips that make a difference:

  • A HEALTHY MINDSET:  Your student will do a lot better if you place less focus on the outcome and more focus on the virtues that got them to NUA. They have earned audition spots and worked very hard to achieve the ability to audition. Their hard work and resilience is the quality that should be acknowledged.
  • A Busy Schedule: The NUA in Chicago is a fast-paced environment, with students auditioning back-to-back for various programs. Adults should come prepared with a well-organized schedule, supplies and a can-do attitude to navigate a busy and potentially crowded environment.
  • Networking Opportunities: The NUA in Chicago is also a great opportunity for your to network with other leaders of theatre students.  You may also attend college question-and-answer sessions regarding specific school programs. When offered, this is a great way to learn about the programs at an individual college and to connect with program directors.
  • A Supportive Role: Your role at the NUA in Chicago is to provide support and encouragement to your child. This may include helping with their preparation, offering a listening ear, and holding extra bags, binders, water bottles, etc. out in the hallway while they are in the audition room.
  • Preparation is Key: Preparation is key to a successful experience at the NUA in Chicago. You should be familiar with the schedule, the audition process, and the facilities in advance to ensure they are ready to support their child throughout the event.
  • You or your student will forget something: With there being so many components to NUA, it is inevitable that something will be forgotten at home, lost on the plane, etc. DON’T PANIC! There are many resources inside or close to The Palmer House.
  • Be sure to stop by Inside Unifieds’ information table to get information on where school rooms are, who has walk-ins, charge your phone or speaker, etc.

In conclusion, attending the NUA in Chicago as a parent is a unique opportunity to support your child as they pursue their dreams in the performing arts. Overall, it is a time to offer encouragement and support to your student. So, come prepared and enjoy the experience!

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