What a student can expect when attending the National Unified Auditions in Chicago

  • Attending the National Unified Auditions (NUA) in Chicago is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for young aspiring actors, singers, dancers, and performers. It is a chance for students to showcase their skills, network with other students and college program directors, and audition for various college programs. Here is what a student can expect when attending the NUA in Chicago:
  • A Busy Schedule: NUA in Chicago can be a fast-paced environment, with students auditioning back-to-back for various schools and programs. It is important to come prepared with a well-organized schedule to make the most of each audition opportunity. Leave some space for resting and/or avail yourself of the many walk-in audition opportunities at NUA.
  • Walk-in Auditions: Be sure to leave room in your schedule to take advantage of the numerous walk-in audition opportunities. Sign up online (see links on Inside Unifieds website) early for the colleges that offer that opportunity. Otherwise, go to the audition floors at the Palmer House no later than 8 a.m. on Monday to sign up in person. Walk-in slots go fast! Some of the colleges offering walk-in auditions will also waive application fees for the college application. Be sure to ask.
  • A Diverse Range of Opportunities: The NUA in Chicago offers students a diverse range of college audition opportunities. From acting to musical theatre and dance, there is a college program for everyone. 
  • Networking Opportunities: The NUA in Chicago is a great opportunity for students to network with other theatre students and meet college program directors and faculty. If you attended a summer college audition program you will most likely run into your program friends and get to catch up!
  • Preparation is Key: Being prepared will definitely help keep the stress level in check. Take the time to practice your skills, refine your techniques, and make sure you are ready to perform at your best. For more detailed information see “Items a student should bring to NUA” on the Inside Unifieds website.

Need information while you are at NUA in Chicago? Stop by the Inside Unifieds headquarters located on the Mezzanine level at the Palmer House Hotel. We will have maps, a list of all of the colleges’ audition rooms, etc.

National Unified Auditions in Chicago is a unique opportunity for students seeking a college career in the performing arts. It is a time to showcase your skills, make new contacts, and pursue your dreams. So, make the most of it, and break a leg!

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