List of items a student should bring with them when traveling to the National Unified Auditions

    • Headshot and resume: Most of the schools request you bring a professional headshot and resume for the auditions. 

    • Make sure you have a portable speaker for your phone so you can play tracks during auditions.

    • Dance and performance attire: Students should bring comfortable dance and performance attire, appropriate for the style of audition they are participating in.

    • Song tracks on your phone: Students should bring their own song tracks to play on their phones or other digital devices.

    • Water bottle: Staying hydrated is important, especially during the long days of auditions.

    • Snacks: Light snacks and energy bars can help keep students fueled throughout the day.

    • Comfortable shoes: Students should bring comfortable shoes to wear between auditions, especially if going from hotel to hotel.

    • First-aid kit: A small first-aid kit with essentials such as band-aids, pain relievers, and blister pads can be useful.

    • Cash and credit card: Students should bring enough cash and a credit card for meals, transportation, and any other expenses.

    • Phone and charger: Students should bring a fully charged phone and charger for communication and emergency purposes.

    • Notepad and pen: Students may want to take notes or jot down reminders, so a notepad and pen can be helpful. You will want to write down the names of the people on your audition panel so you can send them thank you emails.

    • Appropriate cold weather attire: When at NUA in Chicago and New York, it can be very cold so bring appropriate cold weather attire, especially if you are going to auditions in different hotels.

    • Printing and photocopy services close to The Palmer House:

      1. UPS Store in the Palmer House tends to be a little more expensive that FedEx.

      2. FedEX 55 E. Monroe St. (across the street from the Palmer House with an entrance on Wabash)

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